
Choosing the Right Heating System: A Comprehensive Guide

In the frosty depths of winter, there’s nothing more crucial than a reliable heating system. It’s the heart of your home, providing warmth and comfort to your loved ones. Yet, the process of selecting the ideal heating system can be overwhelming, considering the myriad options available in the market. This guide, tailored for homeowners seeking the perfect heating solution by Priority Heating & Air, unveils the complexities, benefits, and considerations vital in making an informed decision.

Understanding Your Heating Needs: Assessing Your Home’s Requirements

Before diving into the universe of heating systems, it’s pivotal to assess your home’s unique requirements. Factors such as insulation, square footage, and local climate patterns play a pivotal role in determining the right fit. Inefficient heating not only leads to discomfort but also skyrockets your energy bills. By understanding the specific needs of your home, you can make a choice that ensures both coziness and cost-effectiveness.


Begin by evaluating the size of your living space. A larger home might require a centralized system, whereas smaller spaces might benefit from localized heating options. Additionally, consider the insulation of your home. Properly insulated homes retain heat efficiently, making them conducive to various heating solutions.

Exploring Heating System Types: Pros and Cons of Furnaces, Heat Pumps, and Radiant Heating

Once you’ve assessed your home’s requirements, it’s time to explore the heating system types available. Furnaces, heat pumps, and radiant heating systems are among the most prevalent options. Each comes with its set of advantages and drawbacks.


Furnaces, especially prevalent in colder regions, are renowned for their rapid heating capabilities. They utilize natural gas, propane, or electricity to generate heat. However, while effective, they might require more frequent maintenance and servicing in Phoenix City and can be noisy.

Heat Pumps:

Heat pumps are an energy-efficient alternative, providing both heating and cooling functionalities. They work by transferring heat from the outside air or ground into your home. While they’re eco-friendly and cost-effective in the long run, they might be less efficient in extremely cold climates.

Radiant Heating:

Radiant heating systems, installed beneath the floors or within walls, offer a luxurious heating experience. They distribute heat evenly, ensuring every corner of your home is warm. However, installation costs can be higher, and repairs might be challenging due to their concealed nature.

Energy Efficiency Matters: How to Choose an Eco-Friendly Heating Solution

In an age where environmental consciousness is paramount, opting for an eco-friendly heating solution is not just a choice; it’s a responsibility. Energy-efficient systems not only reduce your carbon footprint but also lead to substantial savings on your utility bills.


Consider heating systems with high Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) ratings. These systems convert a significant portion of their energy sources into heat, ensuring minimal wastage. Additionally, look for Energy Star-certified appliances which meet stringent energy efficiency guidelines set by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Budget-Friendly Heating Solutions: Exploring Affordable Options without Compromising Quality

Budget constraints should never be a barrier to a warm and comfortable home. Fortunately, several affordable heating options exist, ensuring you don’t have to compromise on quality for the sake of your wallet.

Ductless Mini-Split Systems:

Ductless mini-split systems are ideal for homes without existing ductwork. They allow for zone-based heating, ensuring you only heat the rooms you use. This targeted approach not only saves energy but also reduces your heating expenses significantly.

Electric Space Heaters:

Electric space heaters are versatile and budget-friendly. They’re perfect for small spaces and can be moved around the house as needed. While they might not be suitable for whole-house heating, they serve as excellent supplementary heaters, especially in drafty areas.

Installation and Maintenance: Choosing a Professional and Ensuring Long-Term Efficiency

Choosing the right heating system is just the beginning; proper installation and maintenance are equally crucial. A poorly installed system can lead to inefficiencies, breakdowns, and safety hazards. Therefore, it’s imperative to enlist the services of experienced professionals.

When considering heater repair in Phoenix City, prioritize certified technicians. Our technicians at Priority Heating & Air possess the expertise to install your heating system correctly, ensuring optimal efficiency and longevity. Regular maintenance, including cleaning, filter replacements, and system checks, is essential to keep your heating system in peak condition.

In conclusion, the journey of selecting the right heating system is multifaceted, requiring careful consideration of your home’s needs, budget, and environmental impact. By understanding the nuances of available heating options, prioritizing energy efficiency, exploring budget-friendly alternatives, and entrusting installation and maintenance to professionals, you can create a warm haven for your family, even in the chilliest of winters. Remember, your choice today impacts your comfort and savings tomorrow. Choose wisely by choosing Priority Heating & Air, and let your home be a sanctuary of warmth and coziness.

Unfreezing Your AC Evaporator Coil: Step-by-Step Repair Guide

When your air conditioning system unexpectedly stops cooling your home effectively, a frozen evaporator coil could be the culprit. This frustrating issue is especially pressing in Phenix City, AL, where summers are notoriously hot. Thankfully, Priority Heating & Air, your reliable air conditioner contractor in Phenix City, offers this comprehensive guide to help you tackle the problem and regain your home’s comfort.

Signs of a Frozen Evaporator Coil

Identifying a frozen evaporator coil early can save you both time and expenses in AC repair in Phenix City. Look out for these signs:

  • Inadequate Cooling: A significant drop in cooling efficiency might indicate a frozen coil.

  • Ice Buildup: Visible ice on your indoor unit, particularly on the coil, is a clear sign.

  • Water Leaks: Excessive condensation or water leaks around your unit could mean a thawing frozen coil.

  • Hissing or Bubbling Noises: These sounds from your AC unit could point to refrigerant problems, often related to coil freezing.

Safety Precautions Before You Begin

Prioritize your safety with these steps:

  • Power Off: Always turn off your AC unit before starting any repairs.

  • Gather Information: Know your AC system’s model and consult its manual.

  • Protective Gear: Use safety goggles and gloves to avoid injury.

Tools and Materials You'll Need

For unfreezing the coil, you’ll need:

  • Screwdriver: To open your indoor unit’s panels.

  • Hairdryer or Heat Gun: For gently thawing the coil.
  • Soft Brush: To clean the coil.

  • Bucket and Towels: For handling thawed water.

  • Vacuum Cleaner: To remove dust and debris.

  • Replacement Air Filter: Essential if a clogged filter contributed to the freeze.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When tackling the freeze, avoid:

  • Using Sharp Objects: Don’t use these on the coil, as they can cause damage.
  • Overheating: Apply heat carefully to avoid harming the coil.
  • Neglecting Maintenance: Regular maintenance prevents recurring freezing issues.

If your DIY efforts don’t resolve the issue, it’s time to call in a professional air conditioner contractor in Phenix City. Priority Heating & Air specializes in efficient AC repair in Phenix City, ensuring that your home stays comfortable all summer long. Remember, recurring freezing can indicate a deeper issue, and a professional air conditioner contractor in Phenix City like Priority Heating & Air can diagnose and fix these problems effectively.

AC Thermostat Problems: Troubleshooting and Repair Tips

Maintaining a comfortable living environment is the top priority. A crucial element of this comfort equation is your thermostat. Often overlooked yet indispensable, your thermostat is the control center of your air conditioning system, allowing you to set and maintain your desired indoor temperature. However, when thermostat problems arise, they can quickly disrupt your comfort and energy efficiency. As an air conditioner contractor in Phenix City, AL, we at Priority Heating & Air understand the significance of a properly functioning thermostat.

Inaccurate Temperature Readings on an AC Thermostat: Causes and Troubleshooting

Common Causes of Inaccurate Temperature Readings:

  • Thermostat Placement: The location of your thermostat plays a crucial role in accurate temperature readings. If it’s placed in direct sunlight, near heat sources, or in drafty areas, it can register incorrect temperatures.

  • Calibration Issues: Over time, thermostats may become miscalibrated. This means they don’t accurately represent the actual temperature in your home.

  • Wiring Problems: Loose or damaged thermostat wiring can interfere with its ability to transmit accurate temperature data to your AC system.

Troubleshooting Inaccurate Temperature Readings:

Check Thermostat Placement:

Ensure your thermostat is placed away from direct sunlight, heat sources, and drafts. Ideally, it should be in a central location where it can measure the overall temperature of your living space.

Calibrate Your Thermostat:

To calibrate your thermostat, follow these steps:

  • Turn off your AC system.
  • Use a separate, accurate thermometer to measure the room’s temperature.
  • Adjust your thermostat settings to match the measured temperature.
  • Refer to your thermostat’s user manual for specific calibration instructions, as the process can vary by model. 

Inspect Wiring Connections:

Make sure to turn the power off, then remove the cover.

  • Check for loose or damaged wires.
  • Gently tighten any loose connections or replace damaged wires.
  • Be sure to follow safety precautions when working with electrical components.

Replace the Thermostat:

If you’ve tried the above steps and still experience inaccurate readings, it may be time to replace your thermostat. Choose a new one that suits your needs and consider upgrading to a digital or smart thermostat for improved accuracy and control.

Professional Assistance:

If troubleshooting on your own doesn’t resolve the issue, it’s advisable to seek professional assistance from an HVAC technician. They have the expertise and tools to diagnose and fix complex thermostat problems.

Blank or Unresponsive Display on an AC Thermostat: Causes and Troubleshooting

Common Causes of a Blank or Unresponsive Display:

  • Dead Batteries: Many thermostats are battery-powered, and when the batteries die, the display may go blank or become unresponsive.

  • Loose Wiring: Loose or disconnected wiring between the thermostat and the HVAC system can prevent it from functioning correctly.

  • System Malfunction: Sometimes, a malfunction within the HVAC system itself can cause the thermostat to go blank or unresponsive.

Troubleshooting a Blank or Unresponsive Display:

  • Check the Batteries: When replacing the batteries, ensure that you use the correct battery type as specified in your thermostat’s manual.

  • Reset the Thermostat: Some thermostats have a reset button or a reset procedure outlined in the user manual. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to reset your thermostat to its default settings.

  • Inspect for System Malfunctions: If the above steps don’t resolve the issue, it’s possible that there is a problem within your HVAC system itself. In this case, it’s advisable to contact an HVAC technician for a thorough inspection and repair.

  • Consider a Thermostat Replacement: If your thermostat is old or damaged beyond repair, it may be time to consider replacing it with a new one. Modern digital or smart thermostats offer enhanced functionality and reliability.

  • Professional Assistance: If you’ve tried the troubleshooting steps but still encounter a blank or unresponsive display, it’s best to seek professional assistance from an HVAC technician. They have the expertise to diagnose and fix complex thermostat and HVAC system issues.

Constantly Running AC: A Possible Thermostat Issue and Troubleshooting Steps

Possible Thermostat-Related Causes:

  • Thermostat Temperature Setting: If the thermostat is set to an excessively low temperature, the AC may run continuously in an attempt to reach that setting.

  • Anticipator Settings (Older Thermostats): In older mechanical thermostats, there’s a component called an anticipator that determines when to turn the AC on and off. If it’s incorrectly adjusted, it can lead to the system running continuously.

  • Thermostat Wiring Issues: Loose or damaged thermostat wiring can interfere with the communication between the thermostat and the AC system, causing it to run continuously.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Check the Thermostat Settings: Ensure that the thermostat temperature setting is at a reasonable and comfortable level. Avoid setting it too low, as this may cause the AC to run continuously. Aim for a temperature that matches your comfort needs and the outdoor conditions.

  • Inspect the Anticipator (Older Thermostats): If you have an older thermostat with an anticipator, consult the manufacturer’s instructions or a professional HVAC technician to adjust it correctly. The anticipator setting depends on the specific thermostat model.

  • Test the Thermostat: Using a different thermometer, compare it to the temperature reading on your thermostat. If there’s a significant discrepancy, it could indicate a thermostat issue.

  • Consider Upgrading to a Programmable Thermostat: If your thermostat is outdated or causing persistent problems, consider upgrading to a programmable or smart thermostat. These advanced models offer precise temperature control and scheduling options, which can help prevent continuous AC operation.

  • Professional Assistance: If troubleshooting on your own doesn’t resolve the issue, or if you have a digital or smart thermostat that still exhibits continuous running, it’s advisable to seek professional assistance from an HVAC technician. They can diagnose and address complex thermostat and system-related issues effectively.

Your thermostat might be small, but its impact on your indoor comfort is enormous. By understanding common thermostat problems, ensuring precise calibration, addressing vintage thermostat challenges, and tackling temperature swings, you can regain control over your HVAC system and enjoy a consistently comfortable home environment. As your trusted air conditioning contractor in Phenix City, AL, we’re here to assist with any thermostat issues or HVAC needs you may have. Don’t let thermostat troubles compromise your comfort. Contact us for AC repair in Phenix City, AL today!

Why is Your AC Not Working Well During Summer?

When the scorching summer heat is at its peak, there’s nothing more frustrating than an air conditioning unit that fails to keep your home cool and comfortable. If you find yourself in such a situation, fret not! Priority Heating & Air, the leading provider of AC repair in Phenix City, AL, is here to shed light on the reasons your AC unit may not be working efficiently during the summer months. In this blog post, we’ll explore seven common culprits behind AC performance issues and provide a detailed troubleshooting process to help you regain much-needed cool air and the following comfort.

Clogged Air Filters: The Dusty Dilemma

When was the last time you cleaned or replaced your air filters? Dirty and clogged filters obstruct proper airflow, forcing your AC unit to work harder and less efficiently. Regularly cleaning or replacing your air filters is essential for optimal performance and energy efficiency. 

Refrigerant Leak: The Sneaky Saboteur

If your AC is blowing warm air or struggling to cool your space, a refrigerant leak might be to blame. Low refrigerant levels strain your unit excessively, hampering its ability to cool effectively. Search for “HVAC service near me” and contact the most reliable professionals in your area. They can locate and fix refrigerant leaks, ensuring your AC system is recharged and running at peak performance.

Faulty Thermostat: The Temperature Tangle

An inaccurate or malfunctioning thermostat can lead to temperature discrepancies and an AC system that runs continuously or fails to reach the desired temperature. Calibrating or replacing the thermostat may be necessary to restore proper cooling functionality. 

Dirty Condenser Coils: The Dust Bunny Delight

Over time, dirt and debris accumulate on your AC’s condenser coils, hindering heat transfer. As a result, your unit’s efficiency decreases, and it struggles to cool your home effectively. Regularly cleaning the condenser coils is vital to maintain optimal cooling performance. 

Electrical Issues: The Power Predicament

Electrical problems, such as faulty wiring, tripped circuit breakers, or blown fuses, can disrupt the smooth operation of your AC unit. These issues can prevent your system from receiving the necessary power to function correctly. If you’re facing these issues, it’s crucial to consult a professional AC repair service with the Priority Heating & Air experts in Phenix City, AL, to diagnose and rectify electrical malfunctions.

Blocked or Leaky Ducts: The Airflow Obstruction

Obstructed or leaky air ducts can hinder the proper distribution of cooled air throughout your home. When your AC system is unable to deliver cool air efficiently, it can result in uneven cooling or warm spots in different areas. Having your ducts inspected, repaired, and cleaned can help restore optimal airflow. 

Aging or Inefficient Equipment: The Senior Struggle

If your AC unit is old or outdated, it may struggle to keep up with the cooling demands of your home, resulting in inadequate performance and higher energy bills. In such cases, upgrading to a more energy-efficient model can provide improved cooling, better energy savings, and increased comfort.

A malfunctioning AC unit can be a real source of frustration during the hot summer months. By addressing the common culprits listed above and following the troubleshooting process, you can restore your AC’s efficiency and enjoy a cool and comfortable home again. Look no further than Priority Heating & Air for professional AC repair in Phenix City, AL. Stay cool and beat the summer heat!

Why Won’t Your Air Conditioner Turn On? Check These 6 Things

Summer is here, and the last thing you want is to be stuck in a sweltering home with a non-functioning air conditioner. If your AC unit fails to turn on, don’t panic! There could be a few simple reasons behind this issue, some of which can be fixed without calling in an HVAC professional. In this blog post, we’ll discuss six common reasons why your air conditioner might not be turning on and how Priority Heating & Air, the leading provider of AC repair in Phoenix City, can help you get your cooling system back up and running in no time.

1. Thermostat Settings

Check your thermostat settings before you start panicking about your air conditioner not turning on. Ensure it’s set to “cool” mode and the desired temperature is lower than the current room temperature. Sometimes, a simple adjustment to the thermostat settings can solve the problem. If the thermostat is battery-powered, do check if the batteries need replacing. A dead or weak battery could be the reason your AC isn’t turning on.

2. Circuit Breaker Issues

A tripped circuit breaker is another common reason for an air conditioner not turning on. Locate your main electrical panel and check if the breaker for your AC unit has tripped. If it has, reset it by flipping it off and back on. If the breaker trips again, contacting a reliable HVAC service provider, like Priority Heating & Air, is best to diagnose and fix the issue. You can also search online for HVAC service near me.

3. Dirty Air Filter

A dirty air filter can cause a range of problems, from reduced energy efficiency to complete system failure. If your air conditioner isn’t turning on, check the air filter. If it’s clogged with dirt and dust, replace it with a clean one. We recommend changing your air filter every 1-3 months, depending on usage and the type of filter.

4. Clogged Condensate Drain Line

Your air conditioner’s condensate drain line removes excess moisture from the system. If this line becomes clogged, it can cause your AC to shut down as a safety measure. To fix this issue, try using a wet/dry vacuum to clear the obstruction, or call a professional HVAC service near you for assistance.

5. Frozen Evaporator Coil

A frozen evaporator coil is another common reason your air conditioner might not turn on. This usually happens due to restricted airflow caused by a dirty air filter or blocked vents. To fix this issue, turn off your AC unit and let the ice melt. Once the coil has thawed, replace the air filter and make sure all vents are open and unobstructed.
If the problem persists, it’s time to contact Priority Heating & Air for expert AC repair in Phoenix City.

6. Faulty Capacitors or Contactors

Capacitors and contactors are essential components of your air conditioner that help start the unit and maintain proper voltage levels. If either of these components fails, your AC won’t turn on. Diagnosing and replacing capacitors or contactors should be left to a professional HVAC technician.

Choose Priority Heating & Air for Reliable AC Repair in Phoenix City

If you’ve checked these six things and your air conditioner still won’t turn on, it’s time to call in the experts at Priority Heating & Air. As the leading provider of AC repair in Phoenix City, our team of skilled technicians can diagnose and repair any issue with your cooling system, ensuring that your home stays comfortable throughout the hot summer months.

Don’t suffer through a sweltering summer day with a broken air conditioner. Contact Priority Heating & Air today to schedule an appointment for prompt, reliable, and professional HVAC service.

How Do You Troubleshoot a Defective AC Compressor?

When the summer heat hits, there’s nothing more essential than a well-functioning air conditioning unit. However, your AC compressor can sometimes fail, leading to a hot and uncomfortable living space. Feel free to contact Priority Heating & Air if you experience any such problem since we have expert and experienced AC contractors available in Phenix City, AL, and the neighboring areas.

If you suspect that your AC compressor is not working correctly, there are several things you can check before calling in a professional. Here are some steps to help you troubleshoot a defective AC compressor:

  • Check The power supply: The first thing you should check when troubleshooting a defective AC compressor is the power supply. Ensure the unit is correctly plugged in and the circuit breaker or fuse hasn’t tripped. If the circuit breaker or fuse has tripped, it could indicate an electrical issue that needs professional attention.

  • Inspect The wiring: If the power supply is functioning correctly, the next step is to inspect the wiring. Check for any damaged or disconnected wires, and make sure all connections are secure. Loose or damaged wiring can cause electrical issues that affect the compressor’s ability to function correctly.

  • Check The refrigerant level: If your compressor is not producing cool air, the issue could be due to low refrigerant levels. Check your AC system’s refrigerant level to see if it needs to be refilled. If you suspect a refrigerant leak, contact our professional immediately. Low refrigerant levels can cause the compressor to overwork, leading to further damage.

  • Listen For Unusual Sound: Defective compressors can produce strange sounds such as clicking, humming, or rattling. Listen carefully to your AC unit and try to identify any unusual sounds. These sounds can indicate a more significant issue, and you should call a professional to diagnose and repair the problem.

  • Check The Capacitor: The capacitor is responsible for starting the compressor motor. If your capacitor is defective, your compressor may not start at all. Check for any signs of damage, such as cracks, leaks, or bulges. A faulty capacitor can cause the compressor to work harder than it should, leading to further damage.

  • Check The fan: The fan is responsible for cooling the compressor, so if it’s not working correctly, your compressor may overheat and shut down. Check the fan blades for any damage or debris, and make sure the motor runs smoothly. If you notice any issues with the fan, contact a professional to repair or replace it.

  • Check The Compressor Itself: If all the other troubleshooting steps fail to identify the problem, it may be an issue with the compressor itself. Inspect the compressor for any signs of damage or wear and tear, such as oil leaks or rust. A defective compressor may need to be replaced, so it’s essential to call our professional to diagnose and repair the issue. 

If you’re uncomfortable troubleshooting the problem yourself or suspect a more significant issue, it’s best to call a professional like Priority Heating & Air to diagnose and repair it. Our skilled and experienced AC contractors can quickly identify and resolve any compressor issues, ensuring your home stays relaxed and comfortable during the hot summer months. 

Reliable AC Services In Priority Heating & Air

At Priority Heating & Air, we understand the importance of having a properly functioning AC system, and we are proud to be your trusted air conditioner contractor in Phenix City. Our expert technicians are available to provide prompt and reliable AC services, from routine maintenance to emergency repairs. Whether you need to help troubleshoot a defective AC compressor or require a complete unit replacement, we have the knowledge and experience to handle all AC problems. Our professionals work diligently to get your AC system back up and running as quickly as possible so that you can enjoy cool, comfortable air throughout your home. Contact us today for efficient and reliable AC services from your trusted air conditioner contractor in Phenix City!

Why Does Your Air Conditioner Smell Musty?

Is there a musty smell coming from your air conditioner? Not only is it unpleasant, but it can also be a health hazard for you and your family. As an air conditioner contractor in Phenix City, we acknowledge the importance of maintaining a healthy and comfortable indoor environment.

At Priority Heating & Air, we have the expertise and tools to identify and fix these problems. Don’t let a musty smell ruin your indoor air quality. Contact us today for reliable air conditioner services.

Causes Of A Musty-Smelling Air Conditioner

  • Dirty Air Filter

This has become a primary cause of musty odor in air conditioners. Air filters are designed to trap dust and debris from the air but can also trap moisture. When moisture accumulates in the filter, it creates an ideal environment for mold and bacteria to grow, which results in a musty smell. Replacing your air filter regularly every three months is essential in preventing mold growth and maintaining good indoor air quality.

  • Clogged Drain Line

The drain line carries moisture away from your air conditioner. If it becomes clogged, the moisture can accumulate, leading to mold growth and a musty smell. A clogged drain line is a common problem that air conditioner contractors encounter, and it is usually caused by dirt, debris, or algae buildup. Performing routine maintenance tasks, such as using a bleach solution to flush the drain line, can aid in the prevention of clogs and ensure the proper functioning of your air conditioning system. We do however, recommend calling us for professional assistance instead.

  • Mold Growth

Mold can grow in various parts of your air conditioner, including the evaporator coil and ductwork. If left untreated, it can cause respiratory problems for you and your family. Mold growth is often caused by excess moisture and poor ventilation. To prevent mold growth, it’s crucial to maintain a dry environment and ensure proper ventilation. If you are looking for an AC contractor in Phenix City, we can inspect your unit for signs of mold growth and recommend effective treatments to eliminate it.

  • Standing Water

It can produce a musty odor if it collects in your air conditioner’s condensate pan. This is often caused by a clogged drain line, which prevents the water from draining correctly. If you are facing such issues, call our professionals to inspect the condensate pan and drain line to determine the cause of the standing water and recommend effective solutions.

  • Dirty Evaporator Coil

They can cause moisture to accumulate, leading to mold growth and a musty smell. The evaporator coil removes heat and moisture from the air and can’t function effectively when dirty. Regular maintenance, like cleaning the evaporator coil, can help prevent mold growth and improve your air conditioner’s performance.

Why Contact An Air Conditioner Contractor?

A musty-smelling air conditioner is unpleasant and could indicate a more severe issue with your AC system. If you’ve noticed a musty smell coming from your air conditioner and are a resident nearby, contact an air conditioner contractor in Phenix City, like Priority Heating & Air, to diagnose and resolve the problem promptly. Our experts will ensure that your AC system works efficiently and effectively, providing peace of mind and comfort for you and your family.

What Happens If Your Air Conditioner Is Not Serviced Regularly?

As a homeowner, it is important to understand the significance of maintaining your HVAC system through regular servicing. Many people neglect their air conditioners, only calling for service when there is a problem. Regular AC maintenance is essential for keeping your unit running smoothly and efficiently, and neglecting it can result in costly repairs, decreased energy efficiency, and even complete system failure. If you’re looking for a reliable and experienced air conditioner contractor in Phenix City, look no further than Priority Heating & Air.

Why Regular Servicing is Critical For your Air Conditioner

Your air conditioner works hard to keep you cool and comfortable, particularly during the summer. Regular maintenance helps keep your unit in top condition and prevents costly repairs and replacements. 

Here are Some of The Consequences of Neglecting Air Conditioner Maintenance:

  • Decreased Energy Efficiency

An AC unit that is not regularly maintained will lose efficiency over time. Dust and dirt can clog the filters and restrict airflow, causing the unit to work harder to cool your home. This increased effort leads to increased energy consumption, higher bills, and decreased comfort.

  • Increased Risk of System Failure

A poorly maintained AC unit is likely to fail, especially during the hottest months when you need it most. Neglecting regular maintenance can lead to various problems, from refrigerant leaks to broken compressors.

  • Poor Indoor Air Quality

Dirty filters can harbor mold, bacteria, and other contaminants, which can be recirculated into your home through the air ducts. Regular maintenance helps ensure your AC unit runs cleanly, reducing indoor air pollution risk.

  • Shortened Equipment Life

A well-maintained AC unit will last longer than one that is neglected. Regular maintenance helps ensure your unit runs smoothly and efficiently, reducing the risk of component failure and extending its life.

Prioritize regular AC service by contacting a state-licensed and experienced AC contractor like Priority Heating & Air to avoid costly and uncomfortable issues in the future. Call us today to schedule a maintenance appointment and ensure the longevity and efficiency of your air conditioner.

Why Choose Priority Heating & Air for Your Air Conditioner Maintenance Needs?

At Priority Heating & Air, we understand the importance of regular AC maintenance. Our team of highly trained and experienced HVAC technicians are committed to providing exceptional service and quality workmanship. With over 21 years of experience in the HVAC industry, we are the trusted choice for air conditioner maintenance and repair in Phenix City.

As a trusted AC contractor in Phenix City, we are proud to hold state licenses from the State of Alabama Board of Heating, Air-Conditioning, and Refrigeration Contractors and the Georgia State Construction Industry Licensing Board, Division of Conditioned Air Contractors. This certification showcases our commitment to meeting the highest standards of quality, professionalism, and technical expertise in the HVAC industry.

We take pride in our 5-star Google reviews, which reflect the exceptional quality of our work and the satisfaction of our customers. Our objective is to deliver an unparalleled experience to you, and we are committed to fulfilling your needs while surpassing your expectations.

Contact Us Today

To schedule an appointment or request a free estimate for a new installation, call or email us at [email protected]. Regular AC unit servicing is crucial in preventing costly repairs and ensuring comfort. Don’t neglect your AC unit; contact Priority Heating & Air today, and let us help you keep it in top condition!

4 Simple Ways to Improve AC Efficiency

Air Conditioners are one of the most important appliances that decide the value of your house. It makes your house comfortable in hot and humid weather. It also impacts the air quality of your home.

Increased use of AC results in high energy bills, however you can improve your AC’s efficiency by following simple steps. Let’s take a look at these points below: 

Different Ways to Improve AC Efficiency

1. Regular Maintenance

One of the best ways to enhance your unit’s performance is to call Priority Heating and Air, the best AC Repair Phenix City, and set up a time to check your system. A qualified technician will check your system to see if any underlying performance problems might stop it from working correctly.

Regular maintenance will also make your air conditioner last longer and save you money in the long run. 

2. Replace or Change The Air Filter

If you only change the air filter once a year, it could damage your heating, air conditioning, and ventilation systems. If your air filter gets too dirty, it might stop air from getting through. This will make your air conditioner work harder than it needs to.

Most people should change their air filters at least once every three months when they are being used. If your home has a lot of dirt, like pet dander and cigarette smoke, or your air filters aren’t very good, you should change them more often than once a month. 

3. Seal Any Air Leaks and Add Insulation to Your Home

Any ductwork that goes through parts of your house that aren’t heated or cooled, like your attic, should be properly sealed so that conditioned air doesn’t leak out. Find Priority Heating and Air by searching for an HVAC service near me and have our professional look at your ductwork, even if you can spot big leaks yourself. Technicians will be able to figure out how thick the insulation needs to be so that your HVAC system works well.

Conditioned air will leak out if a home does not have enough insulation. As a result, your HVAC system will have to work harder to maintain a comfortable temperature in the room. Walls should be insulated, and energy-saving windows should be installed. 

4. A Thermostat That Can Be Programmed

Do you tend to forget to turn the thermostat down? Even the best of us have to go through it. Don’t worry. Having an automated system will make your HVAC system use less energy. This system can control your thermostat and even your lights. 

Are You Looking For The Best AC Service?

Make sure to practice these ideas and recommendations if you’re prepared to increase your air conditioner’s effectiveness. Doing this may prolong the life of your unit while saving money.

If you have been searching for the best HVAC service near me, you can stop looking. You are in good hands all year round since our Priority Heating and Air technicians are committed to offering high-quality AC service in Phenix City, ALYou can schedule an appointment with us by calling (334) 297-9820.

Is There a Fuse On Your Furnace?

It’s essential to comprehend how your furnace works if you want to ensure its longevity and efficiency. If your furnace struggles to keep up with the demands of its job throughout the winter, having a working understanding of the furnace fuse can save you a ton of money. Do all furnaces have fuses? This quick article will help you know about furnace fuses and when to call our furnace service experts in Phenix city to replace them.

Are Fuses Used in Furnaces?

More recent furnaces tend to include fuses. Many homeowners are unsure as to why their furnaces need the fuse. The fuse’s main purpose is to keep your furnace operating safely and stop electrical fires from breaking out in your house.

For a furnace to operate, an electrical connection is necessary. In the furnace, the control circuits and blower motors run on electricity. The furnace’s fuses typically have low voltage ratings between three and five amps.

Fuses protect the system from a potential voltage overload or electricity shortage. The furnace fuse is used to protect the furnace components from high voltage. If the overload is insufficient to trip the breaker, there could be a chance of a fire that is challenging to put out, and the system will shut down. In this case, having the assistance of our furnace service expert in Phenix City is imperative.

Reasons Why Your Furnace Fuse Can Blow Up!

Here are the ten reasons that can explain why your furnace fuse blew up:

  1. A clogged and dirty air filter can cause the system to overheat. When the system overheats, there are chances the furnace fuse may blow up. 

  2. Loose electrical wirings can cause a short circuit. If you are looking online for professional help, begin by Googling HVAC service near me and find a professional technician to keep the furnace maintained and all the electrical wirings intact in their place.

  3. Water leakage can cause the furnace fuse to blow up.

  4. Sometimes, replacing the furnace with a small fuse with less capacity can be why the furnace is not working. Moreover, a dirt fuse can lead to similar circumstances.

  5. Capacitors are required to provide energy for the blower assembly to operate. If the capacitor is malfunctioning, the furnace fuse may blow up as the capacitor will draw a massive amount of energy to start the operation.

  6. Furnace transformers are necessary to decrease the voltage from kilo-volts to a hundred volts. However, if the furnace transformers malfunction, the furnace fuse could blow up.

  7. A faulty blower motor increases the strain on the furnace system and tries to draw more electricity than the required levels. When there is excess consumption of electricity, the furnace fuse sacrifices itself.

  8. An improperly working furnace gas valve can cause the furnace system to short circuit.

  9. The furnace fuse on the circuit board may blow off if the furnace wires from the control board come in contact with the furnace’s wire frame.


Our furnace experts recommend scheduling a furnace maintenance service at the beginning of the winter to avoid all the problems that affect your comfort. Improper maintenance is why most furnace fuses blow up and disrupt the household.

If you are looking for an HVAC service near me, contact the Priority Heating and Air experts for help. We are ever-ready to help you deliver high-quality HVAC services at the best competitive rates. Call (334) 297-9820 to schedule a service today!