You can keep your home cool and comfortable in the summer months by installing ductless air conditioning. This type of air conditioner is ideal for people who only want to cool one room in their home and don’t want to cool the rest of the house.

Cleaning and maintaining your air conditioner are essential if you want it to last as long as possible while also performing at peak efficiency. Even though hiring air conditioner installation in Phoenix City is recommended for most of the maintenance, you can do some of it yourself.

The Top 8 Tips For Maintaining Your Ductless AC.

  • Remove The Dust

Make sure that the outside of your ductless air conditioner is clean. If dust begins to build up, it will eventually find its way into the system’s operating units, affecting how well it works. 

  • Filters

A dirty air filter is one of the most obvious causes of air conditioner repair. Filter replacement is a simple and effective way to improve the efficiency of your air conditioner, save money on heating costs, and lower the chance that you’ll need repairs. 

  • Coils

A buildup of dirt and debris can lead to overheating, reducing the AC’s efficiency. Using a garden hose for this purpose is possible, but ensure that you do not bend any vents. Finally, before putting it to use, ensure it’s completely dry. 

  • Inspecting Air Ducts

A system of supply and return ducts circulates the filtered and conditioned air throughout your home. For HVAC systems to work properly, the ducts must be able to handle the same amount of air coming in and going out. 

  • Install a Smart Thermostat

Smart thermostats can tell if your air conditioner isn’t working properly or if there is a problem with the air quality in your home. It indicates that your HVAC system needs repair and will save you money. 

  • Shutdown Before Cleanup

Before servicing, disconnect the unit. Turn off the unit’s circuit breaker if it’s hardwired. It prevents the compressor from starting while you’re working, which is dangerous for you and the equipment. 

  • Drain Cleaning

As a result of the buildup of dirt and dust over time, drain lines can become clogged and even serve as a breeding ground for algae and mold. Therefore, cleaning the drain line is a good idea. 

  • Clean Condenser

Outdoor air conditioners and heat pumps can grow dusty, making them work harder to provide cool and warm air. Cleaning condensers and heat pumps prevent interior damage. Outdoor air conditioning pumps and equipment must be clear of debris. 

Performing Maintenance Can Help You.

If you don’t understand ductless air conditioners, don’t clean them yourself. You risk injury and component damage. Professionals know the protocols and cleaning processes, reducing the risk of injury or damage.

A professional check-up only needs to be done once a year and helps homeowners to ensure that their HVAC does not break down during the high summer and winter months. If you struggle to maintain your ductless AC, contact Priority Indoor Comfort. Ring us on (334) 297-9820 for AC tune-up in Phoenix City.